Politicizing Love

I shouldn’t care about this issue. In no way am I in a demographic that is affected. But it’s idiotic that we spend so much time on this sort of drivel while there are bigger and better things to worry about, so here’s my stance.

Why not allow gays to marry?

The only reason “against” that I’ve heard are:
1) It’s sinful, or
2) Marriage is about having and raising kids (and the community of parenthood)

As far as “it’s sinful”, don’t make me start quoting Leviticus (can football teams still play if the ball is made of pigskin?). Let God sort that one out, if you believe in Him. The argument is spurious at its core, so I’m ignoring it. You are entitled to your opinion, but you don’t get to make laws about morality. That’s where the separation of church and state comes in.

Ok, let’s get to the “kids” issue.

Yes, I bet there are a number of gay couples who will marry and then not raise any children.

There are a number of straight couples that I have personal experience with who have married and not had any children, either. In the case of a second (or third) marriage where one or both spouses have kids from a previous marriage already, because of infertility, or simply by choice, there are any number of straight couples who don’t have (and won’t have) kids.

Should all those marriages be annulled?

Why should these people get tax breaks if they are not going to put children through the school system?

Yes, I definitely feel better making a couple of middle-aged folks who just want to love someone and make a household together get a civil union, because screw them, man.

On the flip side of that same argument, what about the gay couples who want to raise children (or already are)?

What about straight couples who have kids outside of wedlock?

if it’s really “about the children”, then we should be fair: if it’s a social and community advantage to have a stable home environment with two parents, then anybody who’s willing to provide that environment should be welcomed.

I don’t so much care about gay marriage, per se. I just hate hearing an argument that’s stupid on the face of it.

Let’s move on, and talk about something meaningful.

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