Breadboard works

With my initial hubris about circuit construction dulled by a couple of nasty bugs and failures, I decided to construct my next circuit the old fashioned way — I bread boarded it first.

I wanted to do an I2C version of the LCD backpack, and I had an MCP23008 lying around, so I got to work.

I still had the board set up with the 74HC595 circuit on it, so setup was easy, and there was still plenty of space on the board for the new chip. A quick googling turned up a likely candidate for a wiring diagram, so I hooked it all up, and with the exception of hooking the $?&@;)!/ data lines up backwards again (seriously, how many times can I do that before I get it?), everything went in perfectly on the first try!

I spent a little time messing about with getting both SPI and I2C working from the same board, and it turns out it’s pretty simple. You have to push the /RST on the MCP and G on the 595 to the proper values (GND on both activates the 595, 5v activates the MCP, very cool!) and then set up some #ifdef code in the sketch, and the whole thing just swaps back and forth. I’m not sure if it has any practical value, but I suppose it would be cool to have a general port multiplier that could be switched from SPI to I2C at will. Maybe. Anyway, food for thought.

Now that I have a working circuit, I can push it into Eagle for fabrication.

I am really glad that I found at least some of the bugs on the board before it got committed to acid.

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2 Responses to Breadboard works

  1. John Gladin says:

    Hi Jim,

    I had a question regarding your Super-PID / Mach3 wiring setup – for some reason the #respond tag on that article ( didn’t produce a “Leave a reply” form so I’m leaving it here.

    I’m trying to resurrect my CNC after losing my notes and want to add RPM display in the Mach3 DRO from the Super-PID tach output.

    Do you have a wiring diagram for that portion of your circuit handy by chance? Any info on the wiring and Mach3 settings would be greatly appreciated since I’m pretty much back to square one after a long hiatus.


  2. jimbo says:

    Hi John,

    Sorry I didn’t see this post for awhile. I don’t have my procedure handy, but here’s a post from’s forum that goes through hooking up the Super-PID to Mach3. Hope this helps!


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